Early Signs of Baldness and How To Stop Them?

For the majority of hair loss cases, pattern baldness is responsible and the most common cause of hair loss issue is androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. It is not that male pattern baldness happens overnight; it is a long and slow process that takes place over the passage of time. Apart from it, hair loss can be the result of multiple other factors such as medical conditions, trauma or accident, scarring, hormonal changes, etc.

Here is our take on the most common early signs of baldness:

  • Excessive Hair Loss after Head Wash or Combing:

If you notice around 5-10 hairs on your hands after shampooing or brushing, then it is perfectly fine, because every person loses about 50-100 strands a day and there is nothing to be concerned about. The actual problem starts when you notice an excessive amount of hair falling out throughout the day, especially after showering, brushing or combing. As a sign of hair loss, you might also notice your hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning. Be careful! It could be a sign of male pattern baldness.

  • Receding Hairline:

A noticeable change in your hairline is the most common sign of moving towards baldness. If you are not sure about your receding hairline and you want to clear your doubts, then you can compare your two photographs taken years apart and you’ll be cleared with your doubts. If you notice a big change in your hairline, then it is an obvious sign that you are suffering from excessive hair loss or hair thinning issues.

  • Thinning of Your Hair:

It is not necessary that all men lose their hair in the same pattern, starting from their receding hairline to going bald over the crown area. Some people can also experience ‘diffuse thinning’.

Diffuse thinning is the condition of hair loss that either affects the complete head or the particular areas such as a crown. This condition can result in the baldness from the top or back of the head, rather than starting from the hairline.

To compare the level of thickness on the back of your head, you can take the photos in your bathroom mirror, every two to three months. If you have started noticing clearly in your photographs that your hairline is receding, then it is certainly a serious matter of concern for you.

How to Stop Hair Loss?

Hair loss or baldness is trending amongst the most common problems facing by the people worldwide. It is affecting almost one-third of the population in India every year. Some people try to cover their bald spots with hat, makeup, hairstyles, scarves, etc. But there are some other people as well who prefer to go for long-lasting solutions to prevent further hair loss and to restore their lost hair. First of all, you need to analyze your hair type so that you can plan your hair care routine accordingly.

Here is our list of some useful solutions to help diminish the problem of hair loss:

  • Make sure that you are getting a sufficient amount of nutrients on a regular basis. You can research for the food items that are rich with vitamins and other essential nutrients.
  • Exercise is important but you can limit your workout time to avoid excessive strain on the health of your hair. Also, allow yourself for some cool down time after workout.

Excersice: Early signs of baldness

  • Avoid wearing any sweaty hats, cap or helmet for a long time. By doing so, you can lower the risks of infection.
  • Always keep your scalp and hair clean by making use of a mild shampoo & conditioner that suits with your hair conditions very well. In this way, you can diminish the chances of dandruff that may lead to hair breakage.
  • Brushing your wet hair is a big no-no because wet hair is in its weakest phase. Combing wet hair increases the risks of hair breakage or hair loss. Also, make use of a wide-toothed comb while brushing your hair.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles like bun, ponytail, etc, and treat your hair and scalp very gently.
  • Also, avoid taking stress because it can disturb your physical and emotional health.

Stress Early signs of baldness

  • Scalp massage is the other effective solution to keep your hair strong and healthy. Thus, in order to keep your hair follicles healthy, you should massage your head regularly with essential oils for a couple of minutes.
  • And here comes the most essential tip for healthy hair and it is about keeping yourself hydrated. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated. It will definitely help in the growth of strong and healthy hair.

After taking care of all the above-mentioned tips and precautions, you will definitely see a dramatic change in your hair growth and its thickness. Here, we need to mention that all the above methods can prove beneficial only if you are facing the problem of temporary hair loss. The permanent hair loss condition is a bit different and it usually requires a permanent solution to be treated.

The permanent solution that we are introducing here is the hair transplant. As the name signifies, a hair transplant is a surgical/invasive treatment by which your extra hairs will be placed into your hair loss affected area. With the advancement in medical technologies, it is completely a safe procedure and it also produces effective hair growth results for a lifetime. In addition to this, the results you will get after a hair transplant will be totally natural and undetectable, and you can thus style your hair in the desired way.

All you need for looking good is to keep the hair on your head, whether it is original or the transplanted one. Now, if you are considering hair transplant surgery, you must be wondering about the best options available for it. We’ll recommend Hair Doctors to you because they are the best in the field of hair restoration. By consulting with Hair Doctors, you’ll unquestionably get the best solution possible for your hair related issues

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