Top 10 Reasons For Hair Loss and How To Avoid It?

hair loss

Hair loss is one of the most common issues among men. However, Losing your hair is a sign of losing your confidence and most of the people cannot look themselves at the mirror. Hair loss can be due to any reasons, for example, Improper Diet, lack of physical activity. If You want to go more specific then we have mentioned some of the main reasons causes hair loss amongst men and the things/tips to avoid your early stage hair loss.

10 Reasons Cause Hair Loss in Mens:

Genetic disturbances:

Genetic disturbances are the most important of men behind patchy hair loss in men. It has an adverse effect on hair follicles and results in baldness.
Due to some diseases, the hair starts falling more than the normal rate.


Ringworms such as fungal infections can cause hair loss. But once the illness is cured, The rate of hair loss becomes normal.

Medical treatment:

Medical treatment can also cause baldness. There are some side effects of chemotherapy and radiation for the treatment of cancer, one of them is also a loss to the hair. Many other medical surgeries may also cause hair fall in men.

Hormone imbalances:

Hormone imbalances in the body can also be one of the causes of hair fall in men. The activity of active or highly pituitary or thyroid gland is usually the cause of hair fall.


Some types of drugs such as anti-depressant and steroids cause patchy baldness. In addition to medicines, supplements such as Vitamin A can cause baldness.


Stress is associated with many diseases like heart disease, cancer, and lungs. Higher levels of stress may be of hair fall. Sensitive and emotional people generally fall prey to hair fall and ends up with baldness.

Human hair is made of pure keratin proteins. Many vitamins are needed for hair growth, such as iron, protein and (such as A, E, and C) for hair growth. Due to the lack of these nutrients, the body can have adverse effects including hair loss.

Medical conditions:

Medical conditions can lead to hair loss. The underlying condition in the form of lupus and diabetes is the cause of hair fall in men.

Hair treatment for styling:

Hair treatment for styling and the use of hair care products also cause hair loss. Hairstyles accelerate the process of normal hair loss due to pressure on the hair. Chemical Treatment and Blow Dryer makes hair loss and weakens hair. There may be hair loss problem.

Androgenic alopecia:

Androgenic alopecia or baldness in men is an irreversible progressive disorder. There are no types of it but there are several stages of hair loss. The hair starts falling around the head area of ​​the crown area and till the final stage, there is only one stripe around the edges of the head and the rest of the scalp gets corded.

However, it is difficult to detect baldness since these stages are now becoming more serious. Now the hairline is formed in M ​​and U shape. Nowadays you may have seen that the entire scalp has been affected in front of the crown and the density of the hair is also decreasing here. Baldness in men has started at a young age, especially at the age of 20 and gradually the process continues till the age of thirty.


The main reason for hair loss in men is male hormone DTH(dihydrotestosterone) and genetic weakness. Apart from this stressful lifestyle is also one of the main reasons. It involves worrying about bad food, less sleep, and career.

How To Prevent your hairs and avoid hair loss?


To avoid this, it is very important to adopt appropriate treatment and a better lifestyle. DTH blockers are also available for this. These are available in the pharmacological firms, such as minoxidil, Finpecia, Propecia, and finasteride. The purpose of DTH blockers is to slow down the speed of the process of thinning so that the hair remains longer. Good eating habits, adequate sleeping, and yoga, etc can avoid this problem.


Another option for restoring your hair loss is Hair Transplant. hair follicles are removed from one area and are placed on the bald spot. The hair transplant treatment can be carried out in many sessions, it is expensive, but its results are safe, effective and permanent.

reasons for hair loss in men

Prior to this procedure, local anesthesia is given to numb the scalp to reduce the pain and avoid any kind of discomfort. Thousands of grafts are transplanted in one sitting. Transplanting hair can cause wounds and bleed, and fear of infection but this is the immediate result of the surgery.

However, If You are planning for a hair transplant then you can always visit our Hair Doctors Clinic in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Chandigarh. We also provide services all over India.


Although, Hair loss is common nowadays and it is common especially in men. The main reasons for hair loss is mostly an improper diet, improper sleep and lack of any fitness activity. However, some of the main reasons which are the actual culprit for hair loss in men are mentioned above and we have also added some tips to avoid it and start your life with new hairs.

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